THE OSCHOLARS: Special Teleny issue






JASON BOYD (University of Toronto) studies the historical genealogy of Wilde biography. His essay "The Page Onstage: Visibility and Invisibility in Oscar Wilde's Salomé" is in Nineteenth-Century Theatre and Film, 35.1 (Summer 2008). He is currently working on a book, Wilde Afterlives: Tragic Legends and the Exegesis of Wilde Biography, based on his Ph.D. dissertation. He can be reached at


ROBIN CHAMBERLAIN M.A. is a PhD candidate in the Department of English and Cultural Studies at McMaster University.


HELEN DAVIES did her English degree at the University of Hull, and her M.Phil at the University of Birmingham. Her M.Phil thesis was on the mother/daughter relationship in the work of Djuna Barnes. She is currently in the second year of a PhD at Leeds Metropolitan University, working on a thesis is about the influence of Oscar Wilde on Angela Carter, Will Self and Sarah Waters, explored through the concept of ventriloquism.


UDAY K. DHAR is an artist and illustrator based in New York.  His edition of Zola’s Fortunes of The Rougons is also published by Mondial.  See his website at


DANIELLE GUÉRIN is one of the four founder members of the Société Oscar Wilde en France and editor of its journal, Rue des beaux-Arts.


AARON K. H. HO is currently teaching at Queens College, City University of New York.  He has written on Charlotte Bronte and Kazuo Ishiguro and was one of the five speakers of "Pedagogies in Praxis," a colloquium held at Borough of Manhattan Community College in 2007.


CHRISTOPHER KEEP is an Associate Professor in the Department of English at the University of  Western Ontario, and a member of the core faculty at The Centre for the Study of Theory and Criticism. He has published articles in Victorian Studies, Nineteenth-Century Contexts, English Studies in Canada, and Romanticism on the Net, and in several collections of essays, including Literary Couplings and the Construction of Authorship (2006). He is a member of the Editorial Board for the Victorian Review and of the Advisory Board for the North American Victorian Studies Association. He is currently co-editing a special issue of the Victorian Review on Victorian Disabilities.


DOMINIQUE LEROY is a publisher (Editions Dominique Leroy, 3 rue Docteur André Ragot, B.P. 313, 89103 Sens Cedex – France).  His edition of Teleny is now available as a downloadable ebook from his website


DEBORAH LUTZ lives in New York City and is an Assistant Professor of English at Long Island University, C.W. Post.  Her first book—The Dangerous Lover: Gothic Villains, Byronism, and the Nineteenth-Century Seduction Narrative (Ohio State UP, 2006)—traces a literary history of the erotic outcast.  Her second book—The Cannibal Club: Victorian Radicals and the Rise of Modern Erotica (Norton, forthcoming in 2009)—explores mid-Victorian sexual rebellion. 


JON MACY was part of the early nineties black and white comic book boom with his series Tropo. It was followed by Nefrarimo from Eros/Fantagraphics. He was a regular contributor to the magazines Steam, Wilde, Bunkhouse and International Leatherman, as well as the anthologies Gay Comix, Negative Burn, Meatmen and Boy Trouble. He lives in the San Francisco Bay Area of California, USA. He is single. He does not have a cat. Also, that horrible rumor that he was born the day the Grand Guignol closed is not true. Maybe.


DIANE MASON is a freelance writer, researcher, and occasional lecturer in English who completed a PhD at Bath Spa University and was awarded her doctorate in July 2003. She is the author of The Secret Vice: Masturbation in Victorian Fiction and Medical Culture, (MUP 2008) and co-editor with William Hughes of a new scholarly edition of Bram Stoker’s Dracula (Bath, Artswork, 2007). Her recent work also includes an essay on Teleny in Andrew Smith and William Hughes's collection, Queering the Gothic (MUP, forthcoming 2009) and she is a contributor to the forthcoming Blackwell Encyclopedia of the Gothic.


JOHN McRAE was appointed Special Professor of Language in Literature Studies at the University of Nottingham in 1993, and is now Senior Teaching Fellow. He is the author or editor of over fifty books, mostly on the language/literature interface, including The Routledge History of Literature in English and The Routledge Guide to Modern Writing, both with Ron Carter. He has lectured in more than sixty countries, and holds Visiting Professorships in several places, including China, Estonia, France, Spain, and the USA.


JAMES G. NELSON, Professor Emeritus, Department of English, University of Wisconsin-Madison, is the author of a trilogy of books on small literary publishers of the 1890s: The Early Nineties: A View from the Bodley Head (1971); Elkin Mathews: Publisher to Yeats, Joyce, Pound (1989), and Publisher to the Decadents: Leonard Smithers in the careers of Beardsley, Wilde, Dowson  (2000)


DAVID CHARLES ROSE is General Editor of


CHRIS TANASESCU is the author of two collections of poems, has been selected for several anthologies in Romania and the US and is recipient of the International Library of Poetry Prize (Maryland). He has translated several books of American and Irish literature.  He holds a master’s degree in Literatures in English from the University of Bucharest and he is a Ph. D student in contemporary poetry at the same university where he also works as a poetry lecturer.


MARCY L. TANTER is an associate professor of English at Tarleton State University in Stephenville, Texas. Her primary area of research is Emily Dickinson and her circle, with secondary interests in African American literature and British literature from 1726-1925. She has written numerous reviews and reference articles and has delivered many conference papers on a wide range of subjects. She has published in The Emily Dickinson Journal and The New England Quarterly, among other publications. Her current project is a book-length recovery of American poet Martha Dickinson Bianchi.


TIFFANY THOMAS completed her Ph.D. in English Studies at the University of Nottingham. Her thesis addressed George Moore's innovative use of Decadence in the Victorian fin de siècle. Her continued interest in Decadence, and more recently René Girard's Mimetic Theory, informs her writing. She is currently Lecturer in English at Chaminade University in Honolulu, Hawaii.


CHRISTOPHER WELLINGS wrote on Teleny for his MA dissertation at the University of Sussex.




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