Current Issue Archive
Call for Papers Submission Guidelines Editors
Submission Guidelines:
Please consult the current call for papers for our chronological and thematic scope.
We are interested in receiving:
Scholarly articles of approximately 3000 words
Book-reviews of approximately 500 words
Reports on work in progress (book manuscripts, Master’s theses, and doctoral dissertations) (approximately 500-1000 words)
Reviews of contemporary productions of turn-of-the-century plays (or plays about the turn of the nineteenth century) and announcements of future productions (approximately 500 words)
Please e-mail your submissions, as MS Word attachments only, to
Dr. Michelle C. Paull, Drama Programme, St. Mary's University College, Strawberry Hill, Twickenham, TW1, 4SX, England, at
Submissions should be in English (spelling may be either British or American) and should conform to the latest version of the MLA style. In order to undergo masked (double blind) peer-review, scholarly articles should be submitted in the following way: the author’s contact information and a brief bio should appear in the body of the e-mail, while the Word attachment should contain no identifying information.
We do not accept submissions that are under consideration elsewhere. Upon publication, authors will retain copyright. However, we do request that 1) authors notify the editors that the piece (or its revised/expanded version) will be published elsewhere and that 2) a reference be made to UpStage as the initial publication venue.
Please allow 4 months for the review process.